Domestic Business

It is a rock-fill dam with a central impervious zone to dam the Masutani River in the Kuzuryu River system, mainly for agricultural use but also for water supply, industrial use, and flood control. This dam is one of the largest agricultural engineering projects in Japan and is the culmination of our fill dam design technology. For more than 20 years until its completion, we provided comprehensive consulting services ranging from project planning and basic surveys to basic design, detailed design, and technical support during construction.

Shotaro Kuno (our first president) and others launched the Aichi Irrigation Project to alleviate water shortages in the Chita Peninsula. 112 km of main canals, 1,012 km of branch canals, and the Makio Dam were constructed as a national project. In the project's second phase, we were involved in the design of the canals, bypass tunnels, etc., and designed the canals considering coexistence with the urbanized area. We were also in charge of sediment control measures for the Makio Dam.
[1957~1961, The project's second phase 1982~2007]

This is a movable weir with a weir length of 220m, constructed on the Yasu River, a first-class river flowing into Lake Biwa, to prevent disasters caused by flooding, maintain agricultural productivity, and stabilize agricultural management. The four Inflatable rubber gates used for the flood discharge are one of the largest in Japan. Fishways were also adopted to facilitate the movement of fish inhabiting the Yasu River. We participated in the project from the conceptualization stage and were in charge of the basic design and detailed design.
Kinki Regional Agricultural Administration Office [1997~2001]
Overseas Business
To contribute to the peace and prosperity of the international community.
To give a helping hand to the hope of tomorrow.
As a good partner of developing countries, we strive to solve problems through development cooperation based on the three pillars of "National Building," "Infrastructure/manufactural Development," and "Human Resource Development" to create a better international environment, including development assistance policies for developing countries, mainly through Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects, and measures to reduce economic disparities.

In Mindanao, the Integrated Rural Development Project was implemented with the following main components to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development in settled areas left out of development for many years due to inadequate support. 1. Infrastructure development (irrigation, water supply, roads, etc.) 2. Agriculture/environmental conservation (agricultural productivity improvement, livestock, and forestry development) 3. Organisational development
Japan Bank for International Cooperation/Philippines Government [2003~ 2008, The project's second phase 2015 ~]

Rwanda is one of the most densely populated countries in Africa and one of the poorest countries in the world. In addition to improving the severe food shortages, an action plan for agricultural and rural development was developed to enhance livelihoods and improve the lives of people experiencing poverty by improving hillside farming techniques, soil conservation, wetland development, etc.
Japan International Cooperation Agency [2006~2012]

Rehabilitation of Gates of Taunsa Barrage
Situated on the Indus River, the Taungsa barrage has played an essential role as the backbone of the Indus irrigation system, providing irrigation water and laying roads, railways, and pipelines. However, the weir has deteriorated considerably in the 45 years since its construction. We carried out a design study to restore the weir's functionality, and a rehabilitation project was implemented with grant funding.
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Japan International Cooperation Agency/Pakistan Government
[2004~ 2009]